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R3 Program Board

The Illinois 100th General Assembly passed the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (CRTA) during the 2019 legislative session. Governor JB Pritzker signed the CRTA into law on June 25, 2019, legalizing adult-use cannabis in Illinois on January 1, 2020.

In collaboration with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), the Lieutenant Governor’s Justice, Equity, and Opportunity (JEO) Initiative oversees the administration of the R3 Program Board and funding aligned with the program. The R3 Program Board, chaired by the Lieutenant Governor, manages the program. Board members include Illinois ex-officios, elected officials, community-based providers, violence prevention experts, people who live or work in R3 eligible areas, and most importantly, people with lived experience in the criminal legal system.

Under the CRTA, the R3 Program Board’s responsibilities are to:

  1. Develop a process to solicit applications from eligible R3 Areas;
  2. Develop a standard template for both planning and implementation activities to be submitted by R3 Areas to the State;
  3. Identify resources sufficient to support the full administration and evaluation of the R3 program, including building and sustaining core program capacity at the community and State levels;
  4. Review R3 Area grant applications and proposed agreements and approve the distribution of resources;
  5. Develop a performance measurement system that focuses on positive outcomes;
  6. Develop a process to support ongoing monitoring and evaluation of R3 programs; and
  7. Deliver an annual report to the General Assembly and the Governor to be posted on the Governor's Office and General Assembly websites, as well as provide the public with an annual report on the R3 program’s progress.

First convened in October 2019, the R3 Program Board has been intentional about listening to the wisdom held within communities across Illinois to guide improvements following each round of R3 Program funding. The Board expanded educational and technical assistance opportunities to prioritize smaller organizations that work directly with community members. Repairing the harm across Illinois begins with accessible and equitable practices in grant funding so organizations can submit successful applications.

For additional information about the R3 Board, please visit the Illinois Office of Executive Appointments website or download the latest R3 Annual Report.

NameAppointed ByPositionTitle
Adams, DelriceStatuteEx-OfficioExecutive Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, or their designee
Ali, RitaLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
Arthur, JalonLieutenant GovernorMemberCommunity-based provider or community development organization
Avelar, Rep. DagmaraLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
VacantMinority Leader of the SenateEx-OfficioState Senator
Bocanegra, KathrynLieutenant GovernorMemberExpert in the field of violence reduction
Brown, DageneStatuteEx-OfficioDirector of Children and Family Services, or their designee
Chamberlain, MarlonLieutenant GovernorMember
Crowder, DonnaLieutenant GovernorMemberCommunity-based provider or community development organization
Curtis, AprilLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Estrada, RebeccaStatuteEx-OfficioDirector of DCEO, or their designee
Gordon-Booth, JehanSpeaker of the HouseEx-OfficioState Representative
Gutierrez, LauraLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Hall, WilliamLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Hansbro, ShelithStatuteEx-OfficioDirector of Corrections, or their designee
Howse, NatalieLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Hubbard, MichaelLieutenant GovernorMemberCommunity-based provider or community development organization
Lightford, KimberlyPresident of the SenateEx-OfficioState Senator
Little, BethanyLieutenant GovernorMember
Marchiori, RaymondStatuteEx-OfficioDirector of Employment Security, or their designee
McNamara, TomLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Montoya, AnthonyLieutenant GovernorMember
Vohra, Dr. SameerStatuteEx-OfficioDirector of Public Health, or their designee
Vickery, RobertStatuteEx-OfficioDirector of Juvenile Justice, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberExpert in the field of violence reduction
Perez, ChristelleStatuteEx-OfficioAttorney General, or their designee
Puente, SylviaLieutenant GovernorMemberCommunity-based provider or community development organization
Quintero, DulceStatuteEx-OfficioSecretary of Human Services, or their designee
Stratton, JulianaStatuteEx-Officio, ChairLt. Governor, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
VacantLieutenant GovernorMember
VacantLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Valencia, AnnaLieutenant GovernorMemberPublic official of a municipal geographic jurisdiction in the State that include an R3 Area, or their designee
Villanueva, Sen. CelinaLieutenant GovernorMemberPerson living or working in an R3 Area
Windhosrt, Rep. PatrickMinority Leader of the HouseEx-OfficioState Representative
This page last updated: 7 months ago